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Launch Presence Builder

Build instant websites from business and personal templates with intuitive Presence Builder editor.

Odin Plesk Panel: Presence Builder

Odin Web Presence Builder - Build Your Business Website Today!


Install and manage web apps on your websites. Forums, photo galleries, collaboration tools, and many more installed in several clicks.

Odin Plesk Panel: Adding a Blog to Your Site

Database Features

Create and remove databases used by your websites, and manage them using integrated administrative web application.

Odin Plesk Panel: Creating MySQL Databases and Users

FTP Access

Set up access to files of your websites over FTP protocol.

Odin Plesk Panel: FTP Accounts

File Manager

Upload new files and work with current files and directories of your websites.

Odin Plesk Panel: File Manager

Password-Protected Directories

Restrict access to selected areas of your websites with password protection.

Odin Plesk Panel: Protecting a Website Directory with a Password

Add New Domain Alias

How to set up your website domain aliases and forwarders.

Odin Plesk Panel: Adding Domain Aliases

Odin Plesk Panel: Adding Website Forwarders